Introducing The Video Move Survey

cd14221f-bb58-47f2-9105-50b0ddbe876fSo you’ve made the decision to relocate. You’re doing your due diligence by getting estimates on what it’s going to cost to move. Let’s be serious, you’re busy. You don’t have time to put your life on hold to plan your relocation.

Olympia Moving & Storage knows that, so we made move planning easier with the option of getting a free moving estimate via video surveys. If you can’t change your schedule and turning your week upside down to meet with one of our moving consultants in-person, we can easily connect with you at your convenience and do a move planning walk through with just a few clicks on your phone or tablet.

As a premier moving company, Olympia Moving & Storage is always looking for ways to reach our customers in innovative and creative ways and what better way than to make your survey fit more easily into your schedule?

Sounds hard? Think again. If you opt for the video move survey option to inventory your home it’s as easy as a Facetime:

1. Intro call with an Olympia moving consultant to get an idea of the nature and specifics of your relocation
2. Our moving consultant will offer to review your move and belongings in person at your home, on the phone, or through a video survey Olympia
3. The Olympia consultant sends you an email invite to your video move survey via a link
4. You download the Crater app & connect with your Olympia consultant
5. Your Olympia Moving consultant will guide you through the walk through to discuss the specifics of what you’ll be moving

The other option for those interested in a video move survey option is to request your video survey directly from Use the request an estimate form in the right-hand header of this page and click “request a video move survey” to schedule a video survey for a time that is convenient for you.

1. Choose your home type apartment video estimate
a. (studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom)
    b. single family home
2. Preferred date of video survey
3. Preferred time of video survey
4. Some basic contact information so we can contact you
5. The option to add the video move survey to your personal email calendar

The video move survey option gives you the freedom to get your move-specific estimate at your convenience instead of re-arranging your life to meet with a sales representative. The best part is that the entire survey is recorded and saved, so you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything – you can easily review your survey and inventory afterward.

In the event that you aren’t able to set a time that works with both you and your salesperson, you can also do a self-survey that will also be saved and accessible by both you and your salesperson. Getting an estimate has never been easier!

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