As another September 1st Boston Move In Day (a.k.a. Allston Christmas) comes to an end, the team at Olympia Moving & Storage is taking a collective sigh of relief. While today, when 79% of Boston’s leases turn over, means moving chaos for the city, for moving companies Labor Day weekend marks the end of the high volume summer season. We anticipate continuing our hard work through the rest of the year, but Olympia Moving & Storage is looking forward to a moment of R&R after working at capacity all summer!

Meanwhile, the rest of Boston is not used to moving being an integral part of their daily lives, and took to Twitter and Instagram this week to complain, meme, and post their curbside finds. Although a weekend of gridlocked moving trucks is annoying, the results are certainly entertaining!

There were big messes

#allstonchristmas or the barricade from Les Mis?

A post shared by Michelle Tan (@michltan) on

And strange sights

Ted went on a bender and didn’t resign the lease. #allstonchristmas

A post shared by haskellhoff (@haskellhoff) on

A few local celebrities stopped by to help celebrate

Folks tried every maneuver and technique necessary to move their belongings in

Solid find! These guys are winning. #allstonchristmas #allstonrockcity

A post shared by Kim Maroon (@kmaroon) on

Some Allston residents were rewarded with great Allston Christmas gift finds

Santa is abandoned in a bucket on #AllstonChristmas

A post shared by Scooter Burch (@havartifreak) on


A post shared by Dianne Jennings (@msjendi) on

A lonely abandoned bong waits to bee adopted atop a trash bin on #AllstonChristmas

A post shared by Scooter Burch (@havartifreak) on

Residents and companies alike celebrated in their own ways

From the top ropes!!!! #wwesuperstar #allstonchristmas

A post shared by Dan Galanto (@letsdolegs) on

And some are just over it!

This Allston Christmas Olympia Moving & Storage was honored by a visit from Boston Magazine, who rode along with our crew this morning to see what the “holiday” is like through the eyes of movers.

What It’s Like to Be a Mover in Boston on September 1
β€œThis is almost like our Super Bowl.”

Whether you’re moving next Allston Christmas or any other day of the year, give Boston moving company Olympia Moving & Storage a call at 800-222-4744 or request an estimate online.

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