Warm weather and warm water makes summer a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts. Summer is also a popular time to move. Often, the greatest challenge of a move is knowing how to safely pack your favorite equipment.
Here are Olympia’s tips for moving your outdoor gear!
Canoes and Kayaks 
Never fear water warriors! Your kayaks and canoes can be moved just like the rest of your belongings. Inform your moving crew ahead of time that you have a large specialty item and they can handle packing and loading it for you. Prior to that, it’s important to dry and clean any watercraft you are moving. You won’t want old, scummy water dripping on your furniture in the truck.
For older wooden canoes, consider wrapping the seats and interior with a moving pad or bubble wrap so that the entire item is secure. Wooden bench seats are especially vulnerable to chipping during transport.
Moving Fishing Gear 
Fishing rods are at high risk of breaking during a move. Prevent this is to purchase a fishing rod case. However, if you are more of a DIY fan, use a length of PVC pipe, some Styrofoam, and packing tape to construct a protective shell around your best angling rods.
Your tackle box should be secured with packing tape as well, just in case a lot of loving use has weakened the clasps.
Moving Tents 
Don’t be the poor soul who tossed your tent bag. Tents are one of the few pieces of gear that come with easy moving. Pack your tent bag as is. If you need extra protection to prevent tears in the canvas, wrap the bag in plastic wrap.
Moving Bikes
Bikes are incredibly awkward pieces of equipment to move. Unfortunately, in the absence of a bike rack and a car, the only option to move a bike is on a moving truck.
The first step to moving a bike is considering disassembly. If you can, removing the pedals, seat, and wheels will go a long way to making transport easier. The second step would be finding an appropriate box to store the bike. Unless you had the foresight to keep the box your bike came in, regular moving boxes won’t do the trick. Bike shops are a good place to go to pick up discarded shipping boxes from inventory deliveries. Leave the handles out when you pack the frame–it will give your movers something to hold when carrying it.
For the high-end bike own, there is an option to purchase a bike box. Bike boxes aren’t made of cardboard. Bike boxes are hard cases that certain bike frames can be stored in. Cyclist Weekly has a list of their top six bike boxes and bags.
Moving Skis and Snowboards
Much like tents and fishing rods, cases and bags can be purchased for skis and snowboards. They can be transported in your own car, especially if there’s fresh powder in your destination. However, if you plan on loading skis or snowboards into a moving truck, a long box may be preferable to a bag. UPS has a store locator to find somewhere to purchase large equipment boxes. Alternatively, wrap this winter gear in moving pads to prevent scratching and load into a wardrobe or lamp box.
Moving Gardening Tools 
Not all outdoor gear is for sport. If you’ve got an armory of gardening tools, now is the time to start sorting. Much like fishing tackle, smaller items like spades and pruners should be locked in a tool box and secured. Tie together larger tools like shovels and wrap them in one or two moving blankets. For extra protection for you and your movers, use bubble wrap or towels. The key is to cover up any sharp edges so you and the movers are not hurt in transit and the tools do not scratch your other items in the truck. After wrapping and bundling the large tools, you can load them into a wardrobe box.
If you are moving to chase more outdoor adventures, contact Olympia Moving and Storage today at 800-222-4744 or fill out our free estimate form.