After the Move: Getting Started in Your New Home

When the movers leave and it’s just you and your family in the new home, it can be overwhelming. It’s time to pick a starting point and start tackling, unpacking, and organizing. We hope with these simple suggestions will help you start making your new house into a home.

Time to pull out that first night box! Something that might have seemed silly a few weeks ago is now essential. Bottled water, snacks, clean clothes & a tooth brush are simple first steps to making your first night in your house feel like a home. Check out the blog on the first night kit  linked here to make sure you have the essentials at your fingertips when they’re needed.

Make sure all the essential services are set up. Double check that the appliances that the movers installed work properly. Make sure the electricity works and you have hot water for a shower. If not, call to get these things addressed.




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Google “Best take out around me” and celebrate! Make the first day in your new home a memorable one – you’ve worked hard to get to this point and you deserve it! Treat yourself to delicious take-out from your new neighborhood and pop a bottle of champagne. After a full move-in day the last thing you will want to do is worry about unpacking boxes to find pots and pans to cook with, or a trip to the grocery store. Make an indoor picnic, open up a moving pad, and dive in to your first meal in your new home.

Begin to plan out each room. Because all of the moving boxes are labeled and brought in to the designated rooms it will be easy to attack them one by one. A plan will make the unpacking process less stressful. When you are beginning to get settled, it’s apparent that some rooms take priority over others. A simple bedroom set up is essential in the first few days, some clean sheets and hung up clothes will have you feeling refreshed the next day. Nothing is worse than waking up in a new space with nothing familiar around you. That goes for the kids rooms as well, the sooner they get in to a solid routine in the new home, the better. Plus, if you get the kids set up in their rooms it will keep them preoccupied when you set up the rest of the home. After the bedrooms, we suggest getting the kitchen in order. While you might enjoy some take out for the first few nights, nothing gets you settled in a new house like a home cooked meal. 

Safety. Safety. Safety. Make sure that all fire alarms are wired correctly and working. Confirm that the home is child proof as needed. If the new home has a pool, make plans to fence it in.

Change Locks. It is important to change your locks on your new home because you never know who has copies of the keys. It’s an important safety precaution that can be easily over looked!

Manuals & Remotes: When you’re unpacking and unwrapping new things it is easy to throw away or lose track of user manuals and remote controls. Make a designated area for these. You will need them! (Even if you think you know how to work the new fancy washer and dryer)

Schedule a Debris Pick Up. If you find yourself in a pile of empty boxes as you continue to unpack, give Olympia a call to pick up the pieces for you. Also, check out our blog on how to use some of the leftover boxes for the kids entertainment when you unpack!

The most important thing to remember is, the small details can wait. Don’t stress to get everything unpacked and organized in one day! It will all get done, and your home will look great.

Epic Moving Fails Are Why You Should Hire a Boston Moving Company

“DIY” projects are all the rage these days. There are a number of things you can do yourself, and might even do them better, but….. moving is not one of those things. We’ve compiled some major moving fails for your entertainment between packing and we can assure you that if you move with Olympia Moving & Storage, you can avoid the situations illustrated below!

Yes… we do suggest you take your valuable electronics with you, but by that we mean smart phones and tablets, not your 40 inch flat screen! Let us take care of that!

Innovation at it’s finest we will say. We’re curious how he tied the two carts together and then attached them to the scooter. How is he pulling all that weight? Impressive for sure. Effective, not so much. (:

Home service to a whole new level- but not a level anyone wants to reach!! We promise to park as close as we can, OUTSIDE of your home.

Something above does not belong. Can you guess what? Pups don’t belong in the couch! Take the fluffy ones with you when you go, and we’ll take the couch.

 All hands and feet inside the car at all times…. AND BOXES! When you’re moving, safety is at the top of our list and nothing about having boxes hanging out of your car while driving is safe!

I think these “DIY” movers are going to need more than a gas fill up!

You know those situations that just are a disaster waiting to happen? This is one for sure. Dresser vs. two men. We’re betting on the dresser.

Excuse me sir….. This is Olympia, is your refrigerator running?

We hope we provided you with a good laugh and consider leaving it to us to take care of all your relocation needs. Call us today at 800-222-4744 to request an estimate, or request one online.

Olympia does not own any of the photos in this post.

Moving Scam Red Flags

When it’s time to move, it often does not occur to families that a moving company might scam them. Unfortunately, due to the low barriers of entry to the industry, there are disreputable and illegal movers out there, and even a few trying to actively cheat customers. When selecting a mover, there are a few things that you need to be vigilant of. Keep an eye out for these red flags and you should be able to find a mover you can trust & love!

Unprofessional customer service, or phone etiquette.

This is a red flag from the moment you call. When you call a prospective moving company and the customer service is anything but professional it might be time to do some more research. Customer service is the corner stone to a wonderful move. It starts and ends with customer service representatives.  If there is no answer when you call, and there is no professional voicemail, this could raise concern as well.

No interest in on-site survey inspections or written estimates.

Professional movers will be able to gage if they need to come onsite to see your home to give you the most accurate estimate they possibly can. When the customer service representative speaks with you they will determine the best course of action. Sometimes for smaller moves an over the phone survey will suffice, but in a larger move a professional mover should always come out to survey the property.  Even if the survey is over the phone, it is a red flag if the representative isn’t reviewing an inventory with you or asking detailed questions. Movers that quote a price over the phone without any interest in learning more about what you’re moving should be avoided. You should only choose a mover if they will provide you with a written estimate.

The website isn’t professionally made or doesn’t have a lot of information

A proper moving website should provide you with an abundance of information on the services they provide. A good mover is well aware that the customer will do a great deal of research before selecting a mover. With that being said, a proper moving company will provide you with information on contacts, locations, addresses of their offices and warehouses, and reviews from their customers. The contact information for the moving company should be plastered everywhere on the website, a good moving company will want you to call!

If the mover wants a large down payment before services or only allows cash

When moving companies want cash upfront before they provide any services a red flag should be raised. It is not likely a legitimate mover will ask for more than a deposit upfront when booking a move. When it comes to form of payment, if the mover only allows cash, this is also a signal that their operation might not be completely licensed and legal.

Negative news articles

A simple google search of the company can be quite revealing. If the results are littered with negative press, news and government investigations, and consumer complaint websites, this is definitely a company to avoid.

Need a moving estimate from a company you can trust? Get started by requesting a free estimate online, or give us a call at 800-222-4744.

8 ways to use empty cardboard boxes after your move (that kids will love!)

After you are moved into your new home and unpacked, you will to find yourself with an abundance of cardboard boxes! Before you break them down and leave them out for recycling, here are some fun ways to keep the kids happy when you continue to unpack (and a few for you too).

1. Mini house competition

Channel the inner creativity, set out two boxes with some materials such as markers, clip ons, and rubber bands – the most creative designer wins! For more decorating tips, check out our blog on building a box fort!

2. Design your own treasure chest

Decorate the outside and let the kids put their own personal treasures inside.

3. Halloween costumes

Everybody knows most creative wins the best costume competition. Robots and gumball machines, oh my!

4. Puppet Stage

Decorate boxes to use as a back drop, add a blanket or curtains, and put on a show!

5. Puzzle making

Paint a nice picture on the box then cut the pieces up for the kids to put together

6. Attic organizational system

Once everything is put away use the boxes, labeled, as an alternative storage system in the attic, basement, garage, or closets. If you start the organization right away it will avoid problems down the line when you can’t find the Christmas table cloth.

7. Homemade Stationary

Cut up cardboard boxes to make your own post cards. Use ink stamps to decorate and write a message. No envelope needed!

8. A Natural Embellishment

Dress up a cardboard box with a design of your choice, line it with a plastic bag, poke several draining holes, and you have a new home for a small plant!

Still have leftover boxes? Check out our blog on recycling or repurposing boxes.

Conserving Energy in Your New Home This Summer

Summer months see a rise in electric and cooling costs. Olympia Moving has some tips on how to set up your new home to keep costs down after your big move.

Moving is a process. You’re uprooting your life from one place to another and unpacking takes up time. Something that may be pushed to the back of your mind is your new energy bill. We have some tips on how you can save money this summer while you enjoy your new home!

Unplug things you aren’t using. Are you keeping your laptop or phone chargers plugged in when you’re not home? What about your toaster or coffee maker? All of these are contributors to your electric bill. Unplug electronics when you are done using them, and use a power strip to be able to efficiently unplug whatever is not in use. Unplugging your computer alone could save you around $75 per year.

Placement is key. Lights and televisions radiate a certain amount of heat, which can affect the reading on your thermostat or air conditioner. Your air conditioner will run longer and take longer for your home to heat up to your desired temperature. Place these heat-emitting electronics away from thermostats and anything gauging a temperature reading to evenly distribute heat and cooling.


Switch out your light bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLS) use less energy than incandescent bulbs and are made to last up to twelve times longer than regular bulbs. The upfront cost will pay itself off quickly when you take into consideration the length of time between replacement.
You should also ask yourself about the temperature you need to feel comfortable in your home. Running your air conditioner at a higher temperature saves up to 18% on electricity costs over the summer. Higher settings require less power to run and having a ceiling or floor fan to circulate air will help keep your home cool. Just remember to turn both off when you leave to save money; fans cool people more than they cool rooms.


Consider adding solar panels. If you just moved into your dream home for the long haul, consider going the extra step to save on your energy bills and help the planet.  Get a consultation for adding solar panels to your home. Solar Power Authority and this guide from Forbes are good resources for getting started.


Still looking for your new home? Request a moving estimate from Olympia Moving & Storage online or give us a call at 800-222-4744

Tips For Labeling Moving Boxes

During a move, the easiest way to keep track of your things is by labeling moving boxes. Olympia Moving & Storage has some tips on the most efficient ways to label.

Moving can be an exciting time. You’ve found a new home, a place to make new memories. Then comes the draining part: packing and labeling all of your boxes. Whether you purchased boxes online or from a moving company, your boxes will need some type of labeling system for transport between residences. How are you going to tell which box has your first night supplies and which box has your high school yearbooks? We have some tips for labeling your boxes so you can find your belongings easily during the move process.

To begin, you will need a pack of at least five permanent markers, preferably in different colors; clear and colored tape; and labels. The markers should be permanent and waterproof, if you can find them. Weather is unpredictable, and you don’t want your label to become illegible due to rain or normal wear and tear.  

You will want labels on at least two adjacent sides of the box, and one on top. It’s going to be easier to unpack or store boxes if you can see what is in it from at least one angle.

Use the same color for all boxes going to the same room, such as red for kitchen or brown for living room. Write the main things on each label, such as books, power cords or place settings. If you have colored tape to correspond with the markers, use the tape as an additional way to easily identify the box’s room by taping the corners of your box. Use clear tape over the labels to add another means of security to the marker. The clear tape will prevent water from getting on the label and block rips and tears. A great resource is to download Olympia’s free printable moving box labels which are color-coded and labeled by room and include an area to write a short inventory.

If you are packing a box of fragile items, make sure it is labeled “FRAGILE” on each side in marker or a fragile label sticker, with THIS END UP written near the top of the box.

You should also make sure to pack and label a First Night box filled with the essentials you will need right away.  Read our blog post for a checklist of items to put in this box.

Another great tip is to use a numbering system to easily find items and identify that all your boxes have been delivered safely.  Write a large number on your boxes or packing labels, then create a chart with each box number, the room it belongs in, and a brief description of its contents.  

Finally, make delivery smoother for your movers by taping a label next to bedroom doors and other rooms that might be easily confused.  You may know which bedroom is little Sally’s and which room is the library vs. the family room, but the movers won’t. Use the same colored marker, tape, or label on the sign as on the box to make it easily identifiable as well.

If you need help packing and labeling your belongings, Olympia Moving & Storage offers several packing plans from full or partial home to fragile items. You may reach Olympia at 800-222-4744 or request an estimate online.

The First Steps to Organize a Pack to Move

When you start to pack your home it can be overwhelming. It is hard to know where to start. To minimize the chance of losing something the best thing to do is take a step back and plan. The key to success for the steps leading up to move in day is organization. Here are some tips on how to execute a smooth pack from the start.

1. Walk around the house with a pad of paper and pen and make a plan on what rooms you’re going to pack first. The office full of stuff you haven’t touched in a few months could be first, and maybe the kid’s room one of the last. Prior to packing it is essential to have a solid plan.

2. Acquire packing materials before you dive in to packing. Olympia has excellent packing materials available for purchase & delivery. Click here to order.

3. Learn how to pack using Olympia’s “How to Pack” video series. In these videos Olympia’s training manager, John, demonstrates how to pack even the most fragile items to arrive at your new home safely and in one piece. Click here to view them now.

4. Pack one room at a time. While this sounds like an obvious solution, it is crucial for when you move in to your new house. You will have boxes labeled by room and you’ll be able to find things quickly. If you’re really feeling organized keep a running list of what is going inside the boxes and place it on top. Utilize Olympia’s free printable box labels to help keep organized.

5. Pack the most important items separately: When you’re in the process of packing it is hard to gage what you will and will not need. To be safe, make a separate box of all of these things and label it “IMPORTANT” for now put everything you might need in there, from laptop cords, TV cords, remotes, headphones, and passports. If you may need it, put it in there for now. Learn more about packing what you need right away in our blog about the “First Night Box.”

If you don’t want to pack at all, no worries! Ask about a quote for Olympia’s full-packing services by calling 800-222-4744 or request a quote online.

How to Recycle or Repurpose Your Moving Boxes

After moving and settling into your new home, there are always going to be those empty cardboard boxes left over. Olympia Moving & Storage has some ideas for how you can reuse or recycle these used boxes.

So you’ve finally moved and began the process of unpacking your life in your new home. Soon everything is going to have its place in your new space, but what to do with the moving boxes you painstakingly collected for weeks or even months? Inexpensive boxes can be hard to come by, but you probably won’t want to keep them after your move. The most eco-friendly way to dispose of your boxes is to reuse or recycle them.

Give boxes to a friend. Do you have a friend or relative that’s close and moving soon? Save them time and money and gift any boxes that are up to another move. The boxes will be out of your home and you’ll save your friend the hassle of finding their own boxes.

Use boxes for storage. You’ll still need storage in your new home. You can continue to use moving boxes as storage in closets and basements, or even on shelves or in corners with some redecorating. You can use fabric or colored paper to make the boxes more aesthetically pleasing.  Yes – really!  Check out this DIY.

Sell boxes. If you want to try to profit off your materials, you can try selling moving boxes and other packing materials on a variety of websites. Just keep in mind that this could be more of a headache than it’s worth: demand could be low, and people may be unwilling to pay even a small amount of money for used boxes. Some good sites for selling used boxes include:

Recycle your packing materials. Any boxes that have been damaged in the moving process will ultimately need to be recycled. If you visit your town’s website, there should be a link about how your town handles recycling, and what can and cannot be recycled. You will need to break down the boxes before recycling them, in order to make them easier to transport. Oftentimes, they can be left in your regular recycling bin on pickup days. If you live in an apartment complex, you may have a specific cardboard recycling bin. You should contact your local recycling service to be sure of the specific requirements for your area.

Schedule a debris pickup.  If all else fails, an easy solution is to schedule a debris pickup with your moving company.  Many moving companies will come by your home to pick up the used boxes for recycling for a small fee.

To order moving boxes or to schedule a debris pickup, you can contact Olympia Moving & Storage at 800-222-4744. Just starting to plan your move?  Request an estimate online.

Olympia Donates Logistics to Special Olympics Massachusetts Summer Games for the Fifth Year

Olympia’s volunteerism at Special Olympics Summer games has become cemented in Olympia culture as an annual tradition. This June marked the fifth year of Olympia’s partnership with the organization, with Summer Games as the hallmark event for Olympia’s work with athletes with intellectual disabilities.

The event requires the donation of over 350 man-hours from our crew to transport equipment, move athletes in and out of their weekend accommodations, manage luggage, and break down the event. The Olympia team always looks forward to this opportunity to meet the athletes and play a small role in making their biggest competition of the year a success.

Our team assists in the whole week leading up to the games, picking up the equipment, food, and supplies for the competition.

The excitement then truly begins the day of the Game’s opening ceremonies, when the athletes arrive at the event.  They are greeted by the Olympia Movers, who valet their luggage to their dorms.

Between competitions, Olympia’s “Are You Stronger Than An Olympia Mover?” hi-striker game has becoming a big hit with the athletes and their families – an impressive number have proved their strength by hitting the bell!

Loading the move-out luggage on to the truck

The weekend concludes with event break-down (including extremely heavy gymnastics equipment!) athlete-move out, luggage sorting, and delivering the luggage to families as they depart for home. We love asking athletes to show us their well-earned medals from the weekend!

We’re looking forward to participating in Special Olympics Massachusetts Summer Games next year and for many years to come!

To learn more about our year-round partnership with Special Olympics, visit

What Not to Pack When Moving

The benefit of working with the moving company is not having to worry about transporting your items. However, from liability, convenience, and peace of mind standpoint, there are several items that you should transport to your new home in your own vehicle. While you’re packing, place these items and boxes in a separate part of your house to ensure the movers don’t load them into the truck by accident. You can even ask your movers to load these items into your own car or vehicle for you.

The essentials for your first night

After a long day of moving, there is nothing worse than opening all your boxes to find your bed sheets, phone charger, and toilet paper. We highly recommend packing a first night box, full of things you will need to during the first few days in your new home. These items might include:

  • Clothes
  • Toiletries
  • Linens
  • Electronics & chargers
  • Keys

Click here to read our blog on the first night box and download and handy checklist to help you pack it.

Hazardous items that are illegal to ship on a moving truck

For the safety of your shipment, there are several items that are illegal to move on our moving trucks. These items are flammable or combustible, so they cannot be moved on the truck as a safety precaution to prevent fires. Other items, such as cleaning agents and bleach, are both flammable and if they leak they could potentially ruin your furniture on the shipment. Be sure to discard these items before your move or move them in your own vehicle.

  • Aerosol cans regardless of content
  • Heating agents such as Sterno
  • Nail polish/remover
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Any type of gas in bottles or tanks including propane or oxygen (we can move lawnmowers etc. if the gas tank is empty)
  • Paints, varnishes, solvents, thinners and oils
  • Ammonia, bleach and other household cleaning agents
  • Chlorine granules or powder
  • Muriatic acid (also called hydrochloric acid)
  • Auto batteries
  • Charcoal/lighter fluid
  • Matches and lighters
  • Ammunition
  • Fireworks & flares
  • Fertilizer
  • Any other combustible product

Valuables, medication, and important documents

Although the crew is trustworthy and careful, we recommend transporting your small valuables and irreplaceable items as well as items that contain personal information in your own vehicle. Also remember to pack items that you may need during the course of your move, such as medication, closing documents, and laptops, to take on your own. Items that should not be moved on the truck include:

  • Valuable Jewelry
  • Cash, gift cards, and checkbooks
  • Guns and firearms
  • Valuable furs
  • Hard-to-replace documents such as birth & death certificates, marriage certificates, deeds and other important documents
  • Documents you may need for your closing
  • Laptops or computer hard drives
  • Social security cards
  • Insurance policies
  • Ashes
  • Passports
  • Stocks, bonds, and securities
  • Valuable collections such as wine or stamps or coins
  • Family photos and videos
  • Small heirlooms

Also, don’t forget, any items that are moved on the truck that exceed a value of $5,000 should be noted on a Declaration of Extraordinary Value form.

Perishable items

If you are doing a multi-day or long-distance move, there are many items that should not be moved on the truck because they may be ruined in transit due to temperature changes on the truck. These items include:

  • Frozen/refrigerated food
  • Plants and potted trees
  • Open non-perishable food items
  • Wine (click here for our blog on wine transport alternatives)

Transporting these items on your own will go a long way in preventing issues and ensuring you have a smooth relocation. If  you ever have any questions about what can or cannot be moved, you can ask your relocation coordinator.

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