Tips for the Perfect Housewarming Party

When the stress of your move is finally over, you can finally begin to enjoy your new home!  There’s no better way to get off to a good start than hosting a housewarming party.  Moving is a big accomplishment, you deserve to celebrate!

A housewarming party is the perfect opportunity to bring together new and old friends.  If you moved locally, those that are close to you will be excited to see your new house.  It’s a good chance to make new friends in the neighborhood.  A party is also a great way to thank the people who helped you through your move from your realtor, to the friend that helped you pack, to the neighbor who baby-sat your kids.


To keep it simple and casual, put together a spread of finger foods and h’orderves.  This allows your guests to explore your new home as they snack.  Set up 3-4 small food stations around the house to keep your guests from congregating in one area.  Below are some easy and delicious recipes.  If you want an even simpler option, frozen and pre-made appetizers have gone gourmet at grocers like Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods.

Spinich, ricotta, & pesto mini pizzas
Antipasto platter
Sliders with chipotle mayo
Bourbon meatballs
Apple & brie puff pastries

Party Games

They may seem cheesy, but including an original party game or two into the mix can help break the ice and set your party apart.  Here’s some links to a few ideas:

The “Key in and win” game is pretty simple and original, just be sure to collect all the keys when you’re done!

People love trivia!  The “New town trivia” game can create some friendly competition.


You’re likely going to want to wait a few weeks or months after the move to host a party so you have time to settle in.  You can finish organizing your new home much quicker if you hire your movers for unpacking services.


Half the fun of party planning is the creative details!  We put together this Pinterest board to help inspire your housewarming plans.

Housewarming Pinterest Board