Last week we highlighted the 5 fastest-growing neighborhoods in Boston, MA. This week we turn to the trends in our second location, Washington DC.
Population growth in Washington DC has been booming lately. It’s estimated that since the census was conducted in 2010, Washington DC’s growth rate is higher than any other state. Unlike many other established American cities, Washington DC seems to be on a path to healthy and brisk population increase over the next few years. However, some neighborhoods are growing significantly faster than others. If you’re one of many moving to the DC area in the near future, looking at the fastest-growing Washington DC neighborhoods is a great first step to finding your new home.
(All numbers refer to neighborhood cluster growth between 2000 and 2010, source)
Downtown, Chinatown, Penn Quarters, Mount Vernon Square, North Capitol Street, 58% growth
Almost 5,000 more people moved downtown, resulting in a staggering population boom. This area also features many new institutions, business, and shops.
West End, Foggy Bottom, GWU, 38% growth
This area is booming with development, especially with many new luxury condos coming to the neighborhood.
Southeast, Navy Yard, 23% growth
The Navy Yard Southeast is seeing a lot of commercial and residential re-development including office parks, the new Nationals stadium, new Marine barracks, and more.
Howard University, Le Droit Park, Cardozo/Shaw, 20% growth
These neighborhoods are known for diverse populations, featuring Howard University and “Little Ethiopia.”
Woodland/Fort Stanton, Garfield Heights, Knox Hill, 18% growth
Long known as impoverished neighborhoods, this area is becoming one of the Southeast’s up-and-coming locations, especially with development in Garfield Heights.
Of course, after you find the perfect DC neighborhood, it’s time to find the perfect DC mover! Olympia Moving & Storage has a lot of experience moving our clients in all these areas! If you’re looking to move to one of these neighborhoods, or anywhere else in the greater DC area, click here to request a free estimate!
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