Another Allston Christmas has come come and gone. The year, the infamous Boston moving weekend was even tougher due to high temperatures, rain, and humidity, but our Olympia crew managed to pull off successful moves for our clients!
Some other relocating Boston residents did not have such an easy time. If you’re moving next September 1st, they say the best way to learn is from others’ mistakes & experiences. Here’s 19 things we learned from Allston Christmas 2013.
1. Double or triple parking will not help anyone.
Via @hilhey
2. There’s some very unique treasures among the junk…
Via @jeremysarna
3. …but there’s some real horrors in there as well.
Via kathryn_lorraine on Instagram
4. September 1st can always be even worse…unless you’re moving in a hot, humid downpour.
5. You’re not having deja-vu, there really are that many UHauls.

Via @gormanthegreat
6. If you’re driving a moving truck, beware of these spots on Storrow and Memorial Drives.
7. There actually are not more overhead bridge collisions on moving weekend vs. any other time…
8. …but that doesn’t mean that a moving truck won’t try to take Storrow anyway.
9. Don’t adopt the local wildlife.
10. That guy in a red shirt isn’t trying to mug you, he’s just trying to sell you cable and Internet.
11. There is real value in getting a parking permit.
Via saraberthiaume on Instagram
12. There’s no escaping the moving day traffic.
Via saraberthiaume on Instagram
13. Use any means necessary to move.
14. Homes will always be available for bedbugs in Allston.
Via @nick_med
15. Look both ways before crossing the street.
16. Try to at least aim for the dumpster…
Via paulsmithrichards on Instagram
17. …of you could be one of the 2,000 unlucky people to get a citation.
18. Take a break to connect with roommates new and old.
19. All this horror can be avoided if you book Olympia Moving & Storage for your September 1st move!
Would highly recommend @olympiams for anyone #moving in #Boston #BostonMovesIn all-round great experience from start to finish
— David McCadden (@davidmccadden) August 31, 2013
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